Saturday 19 June 2010

''Sex'' in the different Media Platforms

- Sex is more openly present in e-media, and can be easily acessed
-Anyone of any age can enter site providing sexual material

-Newspapers such as the sun has an image of a naked model in their newspaper everyday, and is the first thing seen when a consumer opens the newspaper. This shows that sexaul images have become a norm. Due to the Suns sexual material, the newspaper has become popular for the younger youth audience, (particularly young, sexaully -frustrated male teenagers)

-Pornographic magazine at the top of every news agent/ local shop and magazine corners in populars stores such as WHSmith, making it easy for anyone to peek a look.

- Pornographic channels on cable television (Sky/Virgen/Freeview) can easily be accessed by anyone of any age.


Primary and Secondary Data within our Docu-Film

Primary Data
- Narrator
- Interviews with Children an Parents
- Teachers
- Footage of sex industry in Soho London
- Children singing subliminable sexual lyrics from popular contemporary songs
- Interviews with teenagers, asking them if they sang songs that they didn't were dirty

Secondary Data
- Archive footage (music videos)
(Sisqo-Thong Song, Spice Girls- Wanabe, Miley Cyrus- Can't be Tamed, )

Codes and Convetions of a Documetry

- Narrator
- Archive Footage
- Interviews (Voice of the people)
- A type o mode is used (Exopository, Oberservtional or Reflexsive)

Famous Documentry Film Maker - Nick Broomfield

Nick Broomfield was born in 1948 and is an English documentary film-maker. Broomfield films with a minimum of crew, just himself and one or two camera operators, which gives his documentaries a distinctive style.

Nick Broomfield's best known work is his documntries Biggie and Tupac & Kurt and Courtney.

My Mentor

My Media Studies Teacher Mr Bush will be asses me throughout my Extended Project.

Questions that he has asked me to get my Project started:
1. What type of Documentry Film will your Project be?
2. Who are your target audience?
3. What mode will your documentry portray, Expository, observational or Reflexsive Mode
4. Reasearch a Famous Documetry Film Maker
Brief outline

My Extended Project will explore how ''Sex'' is exposed in the media and how it is accepted nowadays. Sex is not seen as a taboo anymore- different to how it was seen proir to the 1960's as something that shoudn't be talked about, mention or even worse- be seen on television.

Now in the 21st century sex is nothing but normal thing, that is present in the media in everyday life. Sex can be seen in pornographic channels, movies, TV series, music videos & lyrics. Conseqeuntly consumers of the media sometimes do not grasp the fact that sex is being portrayed subliminablely through such things as music video's and their lyrics, leading to the young audieces to reciet outrages sexual lyrics which are unacceptable for young children to say.